“What Did You Do During the Corona Virus Outbreak?”
This is a terribly trying time wherever you are in the world, and we’re hoping everyone is staying safe and making healthy decisions for your sake and the sakes of your family and community.
If you are at home with more free time and are considering applying to an MBA in 2020-2021, stay active and engaged by learning or doing something new. I imagine that one of the first interview questions you will receive is: “How did you spend your time at home?” If your answer is, “Being bored and watching lots of TV and playing video games,” then you fucked up. (Yes, I used that word intentionally. That’s how strongly I feel about this.)
The purpose of attending an MBA program is self-improvement, and if you are not using this opportunity to direct your own growth, you are missing one of the best opportunities you may ever have to show that you have the “learning gene”, discipline, motivation, and resourcefulness to thrive at a top MBA.
You can learn almost anything online for free or almost free.
Grow plants, herbs, vegetables
Cook 2-3 of your favorite restaurant dishes.
Yoga or some other home exercise
Read new books (not business related), join a book club.
Take an online math or writing class, especially if you need to supplement weak test scores.
Sew, especially face masks.
Photography and photo editing
Interview someone you’ve always wanted to talk to. They’re probably home with more time on their hands too.
Movie making/editing.
Start a neighborhood group online to check in with each other and make sure people have what they need.
Learn home repair or to 3D print
Research your family history
Learn flower arrangement
Write terrible poems or awesome stories and songs
Play a musical instrument or DJ
Study nutrition, adjust your diet, come out of this healthier!
Study a new language
Make beer or preserve food
Volunteer to deliver food to people in need (if safe).
Organize an online fund raiser to buy takeout/delivery meals for your local hospital, ambulance, or firefighters
Cut hair
Draw or paint
Yes, you could also use this time to study up on your accounting or finance skills, but that won’t distinguish you among business-school aspirants, whereas a new personal interest — even something seemingly small — will reveal an emerging side of you. There’s nothing more exciting than that! Keep yourself active and focused during this time, share your progress with others, and inspire them as well. Start something! Give yourself a new story to tell and make yourself a better and more interesting person during this year’s application process.