MBA Round 1 Decision Notification Turnaround Times
Just out of curiosity, I plugged most of the round 1 deadline/notification dates currently available into Excel, subtracted them, and came up with the following table. The record for fastest decision turnaround belongs to Cambridge Judge at a blazing 38 days. At the opposite end of the spectrum, NYU Stern reserves a comparably leisurely 92 days just for the initial notification, i.e., not including interview and final decision time. MIT Sloan has the longest potential fixed turnaround time at 97 days. (I understand that MBA schools may issue decisions before their final notification date.) I don't have any substantial data to back this up, but I imagine that MBA schools offering a faster turnaround time in round 1 might attract more applicants and more highly qualified applicants looking to finish their application process early. (To that end, I'm including another version of the chart sorted by "Notification".)
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