Featured Testimonial: UC Berkeley Haas

I am certainly convinced that I made a good choice to work with Bryan. Without his great, professional help, I would never be admitted to my dream school.

I chose Bryan as my partner because my senior colleague worked with him and I heard about the colleague’s great result and his immense trust in Bryan. Actually, for my entire application process, Bryan’s clear, insightful questions definitely helped me develop my own idea and experiences clearly. He always listened to me carefully and brought out my unique points in a constructive way, which made it possible for me to find my own new side I would not be able to find by myself. By answering Bryan’s sharp questions, I was able to prepare three-dimensional, consistent materials.

In addition, Bryan’s constant, cheerful attitude really helped me a lot to overcome a long fight. After I applied for 1st round, I had ups and downs, but when unexpected situation happened, he always encouraged me and give calm advice to handle the situation well. Precisely because he and I worked together closely on all preparations, I was able to respond to every situation appropriately, which led to wonderful result.

Considering my background (over 30 years old applicant with no overseas experience, working in domestic industry), I guess my chances for success was not high, but Bryan’s comprehensive service helped enhance my candidacy dramatically. As I wrote at the beginning, it was really good experience to work with Bryan.